Into the blue.

Drop element here!

Change your own world first, the only one that concerns you.
And with this you will be capable of doing or being whatever you
truly desire.

- D -

Baja California Sur

Dreams can lead you to places you would never imagine, and Baja has been my unexpected destiny. My biggest obsession, which has the power to put my mind in another state when surrounded by large underwater pelagic wildlife… No other place right now could make me want to change the course I'm taking, to continue growing and learning in the presence of the mysterious ocean giants of our planet.

That feeling, that incredible moment of silence, peace and calm.
Down there you realise how small we are, how important it is to keep it alive, how important it is to preserve each and every life form found in it. Remember that we are only tenants, that our relationship with it must be reciprocal. You cannot even imagine the immensity of wonders that it will always bring you as you realise that thanks to you, our future generations will be able to witness it.
Take care of it, treat it well, and you’ll see that the ocean itself will thank you for it.

Stills & Prints

Bring home what represents to me, the essence of the ocean. One of the main reasons I love photography is the ability to capture an ephemeral unique moment and make it last forever.


I am a RED Digital Cinema camera owner, and underwater operator. Currently working in Baja California Sur and the Revillagigedo Archipelago, I am open to new projects and collaborations.


Join me and visit some of the unique places I am most amazed by on this planet. All expeditions are primarily focused on how to photograph animals we will encounter both underwater and topside.


From zero to hero. Learn the basics, master advanced wide angle and macro underwater photography techniques and learn how to edit your images in one-on-one online sessions.